Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Red Fox

We have known Red Foxes live in our canyon for several years.
We have heard their calls in the night many times.

However, I have never seen them prior to this fall.

I am not sure why they felt brave enough to come within 15 feet of our backdoor in broad daylight.

But I was delighted to have a chance to take a series of really terrific photos of this fox at my backyard waterfall.


  1. Awesome!!! They are so beautiful. I love that bushy tail.

  2. Oh wow! How cool! Great photos... must have been so interesting to see them that close.

  3. I was searching for fox and flower and found your photos - they're gorgeous! What a great gift to see her up close! In the wild, though, courage generally comes with desperation - hunger, disease, no water, diminishing space, too many humans.... I think we may have a fox in our yard and I'm torn between leaving it food to encourage it to stay and chasing it away, back to where it belongs in the woods.

  4. I am painting a fox costume for a theatrical production and was looking on line for fox tails and found this site. Wonderful photos! We are doing the tail with yak hair, painted with acid dye, and these photos really show how to do it--esp the little black tips at the ends of the hairs...

    Thanks again
