Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Doodle to Design

Today, I started working on my Holiday Mail Art Postcards.
As always, my imagery needs to be original - so I decided to use this pencil doodle (above) to create a Thermorfax screen sized to print onto postcards.

I am a compulsive doodler and many of my doodles are based on spirals.

I used gold Speedball Fabric Ink on green hand dyed cotton. When the ink is dry, I plan to add fusible web on the back and cut the trees out. I am thinking I will fuse them onto red hand dyed fabric, but not certain yet.

I love this print! It has my mind spinning with other spiral doodle fabric I could create!
In fact - I have a whole series in mind!


  1. Brilliant idea! The gold on green looks very effective - I says "Christmas" to me.


  2. Very pretty! And you are inspiring me... I have an item on my project board regarding thermofax screens. I hadn't thought about creating a design for post cards, but that might be a good way for me to try the technique. Can't wait to see your finished product!
