Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pillow Commission, Continued

Working on the commission for seat cushions, I found I was not satisfied with any of the red orange fabrics I had on hand, so I chose to paint about 1 1/2 yards, and I was satisfied with that, so I proceeded to printing the blue and red fabrics with my hand cut printing blocks.

I used black and mixed up the correct red and taupe shades. I knew I would be cutting these fabrics into strips.

The other fabrics I settled on were a group of gelatin plate prints (below) I had done several years ago using plant material. The colors were perfect, I thought - and the design would be great for their house. There are lots of windows and the landscaping is really beautiful - lots of big old trees and shrubs.
I think the one below was printed with an onion - it is on raw silk.

Here are all my fabrics on the design wall.
Now to put them together in some way!

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