Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kitchen Tile

Tile SamplesI have never had ceramic tile in a kitchen before, but we plan on having it in this one.
This tile color is called "rust". Below, you can see the current kitchen finishes in the background.

This tile is a black color (not apparent in the photo).
It is a Marzanni product called Imperial Slate.

This is the best thing we have found so far, but I am still not sold on it.


  1. The tile is beautiful!! I'm so glad you are sharing the progress (and process) of your remodeling step by step. It almost makes up for not seeing your wonderful art projects for a while. Ginny

  2. Yes, this tile is beautiful however tile with a texture in it is really hard to keep clean so keep this in mind.
