Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spiral Tree Washout

I try to do something in the studio every day even though we are working hard on our home renovation. Last week, I washed out the glue gel in the Spiral Tree.

I submerged the whole piece in warm water and left it there for about an hour.
Then, I checked it for any areas with glue still remaining - those areas I rubbed gently with my hand to remove the softened glue. After that, I put it in my front load washer on delicate cycle (delicate cycle to avoid abrasion, which will fade the fabric paint.)

Finally, I hung the piece to dry. It doesn't go in the dryer because abrasion from the tumbling will fade the paint.
Now, I've got to get it set up for machine quilting - a deadline looms next month!