Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Goose Lake, Beartooth Mountains - Travel Log Tuesday

Goose Lake is about 6 miles from the start of the Goose Lake Jeep Trail.
It is not possible to drive all the way in an ATV or dirt bike. About 1/2 mile from the lake, there is a barrier and ATV riders must complete the trip on foot.
We don't have an ATV or dirt bike. So we parked at the start of the jeep road, and hiked.
We hiked all the way to Goose Lake and back to our car (12 miles round trip) in about 6 or 7 hours. Then, we drove back to Billings that evening. The mountains across the lake in these pictures are called Sawtooth Mountains.

This mountain is Fox Mountain on the other side of Goose Lake.
We saw a large waterbird on the lake - black and white - we could not determine whether it was in fact, a goose (as the namesake for the lake?) or some kind of duck. My search through the bird book left me wondering . . .
We would like to return here someday to camp. There seem to be some interesting destinations not far from this lake. There was a mining operation here, and there is a machinery gravesite across the shore just below the Sawtooth Mountains.

1 comment:

  1. How lucky you are to live driving distance from such spectacular beauty. I'm sure those mountains are now covered with snow and the lake is thick with ice, but come summer it will be beaconing you to camp. Have fun!!
