Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, April 22, 2011

Alliances Finalist!

I am thrilled to learn that my entry to the Alliances Contest of the American Alliance for Quilts is in the top Four run-off.

Members of the American Alliance for Quilts can vote through Monday for their favorite. The Grand prize is a Handi Quilter Machine. I have lusted for one of these machines for years!
Wish me luck! The winner will be announced this coming Wednesday, April 27 at the American Quilter's Society Quilt Show in Paducah.

(and if you are a member of the American Alliance for Quilts, I would appreciate your vote!)


  1. Cynthia, the quilt is delightful. Would vote if I could. Hope I get to see it somewhere. Nancy

  2. Congratulations on being so close to the Handi Quilter. wow!

  3. Congratulations Cynthia - well deserved. If I can vote I will!

  4. I saw this online the other day ... it is beautiful Cynthia...

  5. When I looked through all the quilts on the American Alliance for Quilts website a few days ago, yours was one that really stood out to me. It's fabulous. Good luck with the contest.
