Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Greener Pastures Accepted into Sacred Threads Show

Even though I created this piece back in 2007, I don't think it has ever been shown on this blog. I am showing it now because it has just been juried into the Sacred Threads 2011 show in Washington DC. Hand dyed fabric is fused, then screen printed with the cows followed by machine and hand stitching.
In 2006, my parents moved from their ranch of 50 years to another ranch in Central Montana. I helped them move and made a lot of trips back and forth. This image represents the scenery along the drive from their old place to the new one. The highway travels along the Big Snowy Mountains, and it is ranch country. There are always cattle grazing in the pastures along the way.
I photographed the cows and converted my photo into a Thermofax screen for printing.
I call this piece, "Greener Pastures" to reflect the hope of a better life in the new location.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an honor to be in such a prestigious show. This quilt certainly deserves to be seen. Thanks for sharing it on your blog. Love the cows!
