Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Seeing Red on the Design Wall

Progressing along on the red printed piece, I have cut all my printed fabrics into strips (above), which I plan to stitch together in pairs. I want to use my red hand dyed fabric as the border, so for audition purposes, I have just pinned it to the wall as a background, and placed my sewn strips on it as I go (below).

I also block printed some commercial black fabric with some of my favorite background blocks using red, rust, and beige paint. I like the uneven edges - the way the strips do not line up at the top and botton and I think I want to work with that. I am undecided about how to actually do the lining up - not sure whether it is better to keep the centers somewhat adjacent to each other - or to stagger them for more visual interest. ..... I've arranged them both ways and like them both ways.

Working along these lines, I went ahead and added red fabrics to the ends of each strip (above). I have inserted a few more of the dark accent strips here and there, too.

I am not yet ready to sew it together. I think I need to work on the arrangement a bit more first, but I am happy with the progress, as well as the size - which is BIG - probably 8' wide!


  1. Ooh! This is going to be gorgeous! How big will it be? Can't wait to see the finished piece!

  2. This is delicious. The repetition and colors work so well.
