Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Teklanika River in Denali National Park

Our view of the Teklanika River on our first day in Denali National Park.

For our time in Denali National Park, we reserved a campsite at Teklanika River.
This campground is located 29 miles inside the park. Normally, all private vehicles can only drive 11 miles into the park, but having a reservation at Teklanika makes it possible to drive the 29 miles to the campground. Once there, your vehicle must remain parked, and any further travel into the park must take place on a bus.

(above) Here is Michelle leaving our campsite on the way to the shuttle bus that would take us 91 miles into the park. That's our rental SUV behind her. (below) The river passed directly behind our campsite. This is the view of the Teklanika River from the campground.

Our first day in Denali was quite overcast, but the sun came out for us on our second day.

Tent camping in Denali was just fine, except for the temperature. I had a good warm down sleeping bag, but we both got very cold every night. We awoke to frost on the picnic table (above). We started layering on all our clothing - including long johns and down coats each night!

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