Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rustic Neutrals Stitching

Well, the stitching that binds all the scraps together is now complete on this piece.
The working title for this piece shall be Rustic Neutrals.

I am pleased with the result of the stitching. It creates a lot of really nice - really rustic texture that is pleasing.

At this point, there is just the scrap layer fused to the batting - no backing on this thing yet, so I am going to have to come up with some sort of plan for quilting it. I do not want to detract from either the printing or the edge stitching, so I will have to mull that a bit.


  1. Cynthia, this really has the feeling of an ancient rock with carvings or fossils. It is beautiful.

  2. Beautiful! As I was browsing, a thought occurred to me that the unevenness of the outer edges is really attractive. I'm wondering how it would be to fuse the top to a black background and retain the irregular edges somehow? Not sure how you could do it, but I'll bet you would know how!
