Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Auditioning Block Printing

Last week I showed my progress on a new piece that I has been collaged, fused, zig zagged, and screen printed with a landscape scene. I had the original intent to add my usual block printing.
However, I am really liking the way it looks now.
Before I ruin this piece, I feel I should do a trial run with the printing.
To do this, I fused a small piece using up the last of the naturally dyed scraps of raw silk and cotton from the larger piece.

Then, I covered that piece with the type of block printing I thought I would use.
I was slightly disadvantaged in this process, however - because I was out of the gold Jacquard Lumiere paint I would like for this piece. Instead, I used copper (all I had - more colors on order, but I am impatient). The copper is too dark, I think.

Putting the printed piece right up next to the screen printing - it doesn't look bad.....

Or - I tried leaving a bit of a space between the screen printing and the block printing (below).

Often, posting images up on my blog helps me with my decision making. Not so today.
I do not love the block printing with the screen printing so much. However, I think that may be partly due to the fact that the paint color is a bit too bold. I would be going for something much more subtle here - just a shadow of printing.


  1. Cyndi

    I think one of the problems you are having with this piece is proportions. You have almost equal amounts of sky and grass. I would choose to reduce one or the other--easy enough to do by folding under or in Photoshop. I think you're right about needing something more in one of the sections and it needs to be something lyrical---like your block prints.
    it's been fun watching your process

  2. Why don't you try putting sheer or light colored tulle over your printed sample. This would lighten the color and give you a better idea of whether you liked it for the real thing.


  3. I think I agree with you. I love your block printing, but the mountains are so detailed I'm afraid that so much pattern with the printing might compete for attention, rather than enhance the overall piece. However, if you used a very pale paint, maybe one that is closer to the colors of the fabrics you used, it might work. This is a very interesting piece, and I'm sure you will find the solution!

  4. Thanks for your comments. Yes, I knew even when I did it that equal parts sky and grass with a center line of screen print was a no-no. I am pretty sure I let the size of the batting dictate that! Then, I thought I would just minimize whichever part I liked the least. However, now I find that I really like both the sky and the grass! You are right - Photoshop to the rescue on the proportions!
