Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Deconstructed Screenprinted Fabric

Have you heard about "Deconstructed Screenprinting"?
It is a process in which one creates an image on a screen using thickened dye and some type of resist. This is allowed to dry. After it is set up, the dye is activated with alginate (a thick liquid) that is screened over the dried pattern on the screen. Repeated printings yield different looks as the dye layer is worn away gradually with each print.

This is a fabric that I screen printed using that process.
I had a problem with bleeding - and I hated the way it looked, so I overdyed it with bronze.
I have petted and admired it for a long time, but have never been able to use it.

Today, I decided I am going to do something with it.
I started by cutting it into 13" strips. These were sewn together to make a long narrow strip.
I like the looks of that. Now what?


  1. I've played with this technique a little. Yours is beautiful!

  2. I have tried this technique when I took a class in surface design techniques... even bought Kerr's DVD to further study it. Still haven't returned to try it again, but I am intrigued. As for 'now what?', I have no doubt you'll become inspired! It looks pretty dark in the photo... maybe some discharge stamping? That's the fun of creating your own fabric... so many techniques to choose from!
