Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mountain Block for the Sunset Sky

 This piece called for a new block.  This one is 4" square - the size I am making most of my new blocks these days.

It is all printed and ready for quilting.  I am loving the new block and am really pleased with the piece so far.


  1. ...and I would be pleased too! Like the way the new stamp 'performed' on this piece! Nice visual interest, for sure.

  2. I made a stamp similar to this one last year and love it, but I never thought to use it the way you have. Very nice piece--I love how this piece is working out...

  3. Cynthia.......your new block is the perfect mountain! Wonderful.....thank you for sharing your process and inspiration.
    LuAnn in Oregon

  4. Cynthia,

    Are you still using the rubber gasket material to carve your stamps?

  5. No Louise, I have not been able to find the plumbers gasket material locally any more. I have tried ordering it online and the product was too thin to carve. I have switched to a 3/8" thick recycled rubber material that I order from a school supply company called Nasco. It is thick enough that I don't have to mount it on a wood block.

  6. I bought the gasket material at a transmission place here. It comes in 2 thicknesses & a couple of widths. I can't remember atm if I bought it by the inch or the foot. A plumbing supply place suggested I try them.
