Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Canyon Sun is Complete

 Here's the quilt before trimming and binding.

And here it is after the binding has been fused in place.
And a super close detail of the quilting.


  1. I really like this one. BTW blogger, in its wisdom, has put in a new word capture and I am having much difficulty seeing it. Might be worth checking it or replacing it even.

    viv in nz

    2nd go....

  2. Thanks for the heads up Viv, I did go through all my settings and I cannot see where I have any control over the word capture. So sorry it has become even more challenging to post a comment! I appreciate knowing you like this piece!

  3. Beautifully done! My favorite so far! Thank you for posting a close-up fo the quilting, it is interesting to see how you quilted the circles.

    Anne-Marie B.

  4. You are so inspiring! I love to see the process. Thanks for your great work.
