Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Earth Sky Printing

 Selecting paints for the printing.  I decided to exclusively use the Jacquard Lumiere metallic paints.
Then, I masked off the horizon line so I would not print sky blue onto earth background or print earth colors on the sky.

 I added a sun made of silk organza - fused in place above the horizon.
 I am happy with the results, next - the quilting.


  1. Beautifully done! I like the addition of the sun... makes a good point of focus. You have really found a voice with this technique, not that you didn't have one before! But this is definitely yours!

  2. I have just bought some of this nice to see how it looked on fabric.xxyour piece is beatuifulx

  3. I sure know that feeling that one might take a beautiful piece of cloth and ruin it by trying to improve it. But being brave can lead to great enhancements. It sure did here. The added designs just make this even more wonderful.

  4. I know I keep repeating myself, but watching you transform gorgeous fabric into a even more gorgeous quilt is just amazing. Wow!

  5. Didn't that technique work out well on this piece? I have to get some more Lumiere metallic paints. I like those blues. Another nice piece..
