Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mail Art Project - Week Seventy Three

This week's postcard began with a Thermofax screen created from a very old ledger book that my Grandma Marie had. She wrote recipes in the back of it, and I especially liked her recipe for
"War Bread". This, I printed onto white quilted fabric leftover from another project (the part I trimmed off the edge).

I pieced together all the red scraps leftover from my "Hot Flash" piece, and I quilted this.

Then, I cut the white screen printed fabric into hearts, which I fused and stitched in place on the background.

Today's quote:
"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle,
love is a war; love is growing up."
-James Baldwin-


  1. What a GREAT idea for a project. I love the thermofax you made. (I need to find me a machine..)
