Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Peroglyph Point in Lava Beds National Monument

 One of the highlights of our time at Lava Beds National Monument was our time at Petroglyph Point.  From the visitor center, it can be seen as the hill in the center of the picture above.  The road to Petroglyph Point is a gravel road that passes along the shores of a Lake Modoc.
 The petroglyphs are quite varied and can be seen all along the base of the cliff.


  1. LOVE THIS! I am always fascinated by primitive means of communication and pictorial stories. This looks like it was a fun and interesting sight. Hope you got some good rubbings. :-)

  2. Thanks for such an interesting post, Cynthia! We might just have to explore this place. You obviously like the same kind of holidays that we do: volcanoes, rocks and petroglyphs!
