Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sunset is Finished!

Here is my Sunset, all bound and finished! 

 Here are some details of the binding.  I have started mitering the fused binding at the corners.  A tutorial of this technique is coming soon.
 I continue to find the fused binding works really great.  I am happy I can trim the binding so it extends the (mountain) block printing visually.

This piece makes me inexplicably happy.  It is such a simple scene - I find myself wondering why I like it so much.  Perhaps because I am so delighted with the effect of the "mountain" block.  Or is it because sunsets are one of life's greatest joys?  We have stunning sunsets nearly every day here at our home, and we really enjoy them.  Our big windows face west, so we get a great view.


  1. Thanks, again, for sharing each step of your new and exciting processes, Cynthia. Each successive quilt seems to add more creative fuel to your work. I am in awe and wish I could see some of them in person--where are they being displayed?

  2. Thanks Virginia, None of the pieces in this series have made it out the door of my studio yet, but I plan to start entering them in shows so hopefully they will get juried in. I do have hopes of putting together enough for a solo show somewhere, someday.

  3. Cynthia, this is gorgeous. I have witnessed the sunsets in Montana and they are beautiful. Perhaps because there is less city light interfering and the huge sky. I love the geometric qualities of this. When I saw the Rockies, I was amazed at their ruggedness. The Cascades are pretty, but the Rockies are awe inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing your process. I have enjoyed each and every quilt. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and perhaps a beautiful sunset.

  4. Cynthia, the colours are lovely and the quilting is just perfect! Your work is so inspiring! Thank you so much for taking the time to document your process. One day, when I feel brave enough, I will try this technique.

