Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, March 31, 2012

All Alone and Blue #2

Here it is trimmed and ready for the binding. This is actually my second piece with the title "All Alone and Blue".  The first one was made in 2004 and was done in a very different style.

 For the fused binding, I printed several different shades of blue hand dyed fabrics.  After fusing the binding in place, it is quilted.
is finished!

......or is it?  Seeing it here on the blog, I am finding the narrow white vertical rectangle
 to the right of the figure a bit distracting.
I think I may need to paint that rectangle a pale blue to make it less obvious. 
(if I use thinned transparent paint, the underlying fabric will absorb the paint
and it will mostly just roll off the print, so painting it now should not ruin the design -
however - it is a bit of a gamble!)
What do you think? Is that white rectangle distracting enough to warrant a gamble?


  1. I'm seeing a couple of other white rectangles that make the one near the figure less obvious. Squint when you look at the overall piece... the one you're referring to, then a little further right is a horizontal one, another vertical one to the right and up a little, then right again and up toward the top third of the piece is another... they are good contrasting pieces to the darker fabric around them, I'm thinking. Beautiful piece!

  2. It seems to "tie in" with - or be balanced by - the vertical rectangle on the right, and the horizontal one at bottom middle. Perhaps looking at the image in grayscale will help make up your mind?

  3. I see what you mean, but I also agree with the other two comments--the close vertical rectangle does tie in with the two others to the right. I think the difference is the "square" top on the close one. If it continues to bother you, perhaps you could try painting only part of it to make a diagonal. (does that make sense?)

  4. I see what you mean, but I also agree with the other two comments--the close vertical rectangle does tie in with the two others to the right. I think the difference is the "square" top on the close one. If it continues to bother you, perhaps you could try painting only part of it to make a diagonal. (does that make sense?)

  5. I feel that this one together with the others provide some "light at the end of the tunnel" given the subject matter.
    I can see what you are saying but I'd be inclined to leave it.

  6. I love this piece. I think the reason you find the rectangle distracting is because it is close to the figure. When looking at the figure I notice it. When looking at the quilt overall, I notice it less and it is not distracting.

  7. I would paint it. It is very distinct and was the first thing I saw when I looked at this piece. I think you have the right idea--darken that area, if you can, and it will blend it. Just a touch of colour, IMO.
