Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Travel Log Tuesday - Steens Mountain Road

Last July, we visited Steens Mountain in eastern Oregon. We had a wonderful experience with the wild horses and then we started up the road, hoping to get to the upper lookout.
I really enjoyed seeing these tule reeds, because at the Lava Caves visitor center we learned about the strength and resilience of these reeds for Native Americans weavings - they made boats out of these reeds!  This low level swampy area was just packed with tule reeds. They disappeared as soon as we started gaining elevation.
I enjoyed the layers on this butte along the road.
This view is near the top. The road was blocked by snow - this was an ongoing problem in our July trip. We did make it to one of the overlooks - I will show pictures of that scenic area next Tuesday.

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