Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rituals Artist Interview

 "Rituals" is an invitational show.  The prospective artists are invited to submit a piece with certain dimensions, oriented to a specific theme within a timeline.  The curators then act as jury and determine which works will travel with the Quilts, Inc. shows. 

This is my piece for this show:  "Sunset II".  I have always revered Montana sunsets.  Growing up in the Gallatin Valley, I would climb up on the bed to look out the west window to catch a glimpse of the winter sunset, and in the summer, I would sit in the grass and watch the sun go down.  I feel blessed to have a great sunset view from my current home in the Yellowstone Valley, as well.  We have stunning sunsets here and they always inspire me.

Yesterday, my artist interview for "Rituals" was published.
Click here to read my interview on the Dinner at Eight blog.

Tomorrow, I will blog about my process for creating "Sunset II".