Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Yellowstone Lake Reflections

 A few weeks ago, we drove through Yellowstone National Park on our way home from a trip through Colorado.  The date was May 15.  The ice was just coming off Yellowstone Lake and the part of the lake that was thawed was completely calm and still.
 I lived in Gardiner - entrance to Yellowstone for 10 years.  I went into the park often and I never saw anything like this before!
 These photos have not been modified in any way.  Aren't these amazing pictures?
I'll be sharing more pictures from our drive through Yellowstone over the next few days.


  1. Beautiful! I've never been to Yellowstone, and didn't imagine it would look like this!

  2. Incredible photos, Cynthia! We were in Yellowstone for the first time early last fall. It's a completely otherworldly place, isn't it? I want to go back.

  3. WOW, had to show these to photographer hubby...he was impressed!!
