Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Backyard Deconstructed Screen Printing

 The weather is hot and it is a good opportunity to do some deconstructed screen printing in the yard.
 I did this sort of on a whim one day......I mixed up some alginate and added 
MX dye to three containers:
turquoise, golden yellow, and fire red.
 I like letting the thickened dye run across the screens, creating interesting drip patterns.
I stretched some polarfleece yardage across the picnic table and stretched my pre-treated fabric (soaked in soda ash water, then dried on the line) over the top, clipping it in place with these big clamps.
The printed fabric is layered on top of a vinyl tablecloth that is laying on the ground.  I've used thin plastic between each one to retain moisture and prevent bleeding of the dye.
This batched in the sun for the rest of the afternoon before washout.
Results were yummy.  Stay tuned!

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