Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hellroaring Plateau in the Beartooth Mountains

 Last week, we drove up the rough, rocky and steep jeep road to the Hellroaring Plateau in the Beartooth Mountains.  Our Honda Pilot handled the road well, but only in first gear.  Any higher and the automatic transmission will overheat.  Once, there - even the parking area is very steep!

 Our plan this day was to cross the Hellroaring Plateau to get the closest possible view of The Bear's Tooth (below).  This is the peak for which the Beartooth Range is named.  The peak is visible from the highway across the valley. 
 I was still nursing my sprained ankle and did not want to do any steep sidehilling off trail.  There is a lot of off trail hiking on the Hellroaring Plateau, but it is not too steep (at least most of it is not).
 There is a trail at the beginning, then there is an old jeep road to follow for a few miles.
The jeep trail ends eventually, and then you just have to find your way among the short alpine plant growth and boulders.   I really love the wide open spaces here - it gives such a feeling of freedom and expansion.  We saw only three other hikers up on the plateau.

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