Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mail Art Project Ninety Nine

"Buffalo Robe"
so named because this Thermofax screen print was created from a photo I took of a Buffalo Robe at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center in Great Falls, Montana.  The Buffalo Robe was covered in figures like this and was surely used for story telling.

The background fabric is hand painted and the screen print has been colored with paint markers.

This week's quote:

"Great numbers of the Indians pass our camp on their hunting excursions:
the day was clear and pleasant but the night was very cold 
and there was white frost."
-Meriwether Lewis-


  1. I really like this pattern! And the quote is very appropriate!

  2. Is the man on horse back sticking up the other man, or offering him a fill up?
    Wither way, this is pretty awesome..

  3. This image is from a war story buffalo robe. There were many battle scenes on the robe and I chose this as one to create a screen from. I am not really sure what the exact details are - not sure what battle is being depicted, but I love the effect.
