Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Printing the Binding for Last Light

The fused binding for this piece is hand dyed fabrics that matched the collage fabrics in the body of the quilt.  I planned to print the binding after it was in place on the quilt.  To accomplish this, and to get the prints in the correct location, I placed masking tape right up to the inside edge of the fused binding.  

The next step was to print the binding.  I wanted the binding print to blend right in with the other printing, so I was very careful with my placement of the blocks and also with my color choices.

 As I pulled away the tape, I was hoping for the best.
I was happy with the way this turned out.  Next - to quilt the printed binding.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you have been explaining the development of your quilt show entries. You are very generous to share, and I appreciate that in an artist. Good luck at the show.

    Jennifer Cooper
