Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Beet It - SAQA Auction

Tomorrow, my piece will be available for bidding in the SAQA Fundraiser.  It is an online auction.  The price opens tomorrow at $750, then drops each day until the pieces are sold.

I've had my work sell on that first day - at $750.  Shocking - I know, but it has happened a couple of times.  I was slow getting my piece sent in this year, so I ended up on the very last page .  . . . the very end of the auction.  I do think placement has an impact, but we shall see! 

All donated pieces are 12" square.  This piece is a gelatin plate print done with beets from the Farmer's Market.

Here is a link to the page containing my piece in the SAQA Online Benefit Auction.

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