Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Overprinting Again

 Continuing on with the same ideas - I try overprinting a couple pieces of chartreuse deconstructed prints.  I am using the same ideas of adding text and tree images - all Thermofax screens.  The trees and bushes are from my own photos.  The text is the handwriting of my maternal and paternal grandmothers.  I have printed the trees onto silk organza which is fused in place.  For the one above - I actually overpainted it with green silk paint so it would blend a bit more.  For the one below, I did not paint the organza so it looks white, but also slightly transparent - revealing some of the underlying print. I stitched around the edges with a big stitch in red pearl cotton.
I have these up on the design wall for a while but I can't get very excited about them.  Not excited enough to quilt them.  I have folded and refolded the edges to see if cropping helps.  But I am going to set them aside for a while.  Maybe I will come back to them later on.

1 comment:

  1. I like the piece at the top, where is that wonderful pinky coloured fabric from a previous post? It would lift these pieces amazingly!
