Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Winter Walk #2 Quilted and Bound

Here is the final full image of Winter Walk #2.  It has been bound and the sleeve is in place.  All done - except I am still thinking about adding a light wash to mute the color in the second grass area from the top.  I would like the gradation to be more gradual.  I did already add a wash once, but it is too transparent.  Otherwise - I call this one finished.  On to the next!


  1. It looks wonderful, just beautiful.

  2. HI Cynthia,
    As a learner of deconstructed SP I am enjoying reading about your experiments and successes. Your Winter Walk 2 is fabulous - so much interest is there and I do like the graduation of shading you have achieved. Thanks for sharing what you are doing.
    Regards, Pamela in Australia.
