Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Walk Moon?

 Sort of impulsively - I decide to try adding a moon to see if it helps to have an obvious focal point.

I have a little trouble finding a place for the moon that I really like.  This last one is my preference at this point.  But is it too distracting?  Too bold among the delicate bushes and the printing?  Possibly.


  1. I like the moon in the middle piece. A focal point, but very subtle. A beautiful piece wherever you put the moon.

  2. How about the last one but make the moon more sheer and subtle? Loving watching your design process.

  3. I do think the piece benefits from the focal point of the moon. I like the last placement, but what if it were slightly larger and yet more sheer, as Louisa suggested above? It feels like it needs to be just a little bit bigger. It's a gorgeous piece, thanks for sharing your process with us!

  4. I too think the moon should be more sheer. Have you tried placing it part in the dark, part in the light, as though it is transitioning in the half light of day to night? I feel like it might tie the two sections together a bit more. I love the soft colors and watching you build the layers.

  5. Cynthia, I'm wondering about the hard line between the dark segment and the light segment. Everything else in this piece seems soft and ephemeral, at least on-line. I learn lots from what you do, so I'm wondering about that really distinctive line. Thanks for your thoughts. Lynn

  6. I like the moon. I was going to say the first one...the second being too much centred and the third being too much like the moon is sitting on that copse of trees.
    However, I think Susan's suggestion of being partway between would be even better and address the question Lynn put about the dark/light line.

    I am not sure how the work reads in person, but the lower right corner printing is more obvious in these photos. I think the moon balances it visually.
    Sandy in the UK

  7. Wow! Thanks for the many comments! I appreciate the feedback. Yes, all good suggestions and I will take them under consideration. This piece is the fourth in a series, and as such - I really felt the need to stretch myself by working with contrast and balance in this piece - thus the strong vertical line. Thus the introduction of other design elements such as the moon. I am really working on composition and challenging myself to step outside my comfort zone.

  8. Nothing new really to add to the other comments, but I wanted to say that I too think the moon is a welcome addition. I rather like it in the lighter section but really had no opposition to it in any of the placements. Some depends I think on how the rest of the piece progresses.
