Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, February 18, 2013

Auditioning Additions to the Red

 OK, so (above) I have returned the gray handpainted gradation strip to the red.  I thought I could do better, so I kept messing around.
Below, you can see where I have auditioned some block printed pieces of black raw silk.  These block prints are all leftover from the Red Mandala group I did previously and there is already Mistyfuse on the back.  I added a lot of parts and pieces before I remembered to take a picture. 

 I started with the five squares on the left and added the one on the right, then added the strips above and below the square on the right.  Finally, I added the skinny strips to the five squares on the left.  Meanwhile, I folded the edges back to about the size I want after it is trimmed.  I felt like I had to do that to make sure I am getting the proportions right.  This piece is all about balance.   I am hoping to be able to enter this piece in a SAQA exhibition called "Text Messages" - which has a size limitation of 24" wide.

Today's recipe on the Adaptive Cooking Blog is for Minestrone Soup!

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