Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Carrot People - Rock Art

 I just love these Carrot People.  I saw a picture of these and just HAD to find them - it took a bit of exploration.  They are on BLM land - a long ways down a gravel road south of Rangely, Colorado and then you turn off onto a dirt road.  Then there is a bit of a hike.  No signage. 

I will be doing some art with these carrot people someday.  I cannot really say why they excite me so much - but they do.  I guess the lack of feet / legs gives them an especially ethereal quality.


  1. Wow, are these in Wyoming? What is the blue color? I've never seen this color before. It's very interesting.

  2. Sorry, Lynn - I overlooked mentioning the location. South of Rangely, Colorado. I added that info to the blog post.

  3. Those pictographs are SO cool! I too would love to know what pigment they used for the blue. I'll be awaiting your pieces incorporating the Carrot People!
