Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moved Bead Strands

I was not happy with the way the beads look on this piece (see previous post).  I have pinned the bead strands over to the edge of the black strip - which seems better to my eye.

This picture also shows how I stitched along the edge (in the ditch) of the sewn/fused binding to anchor it in place through all layers.

I will continue to think about this..... still undecided about these beads - might just take them all off, but will move onto something else while I ponder it.


  1. It may be a problem of scale. this is such a large, simple piece. The addition of the beads seems to take away from the classic simplicity of the composition. I think you are wise to put it aside, maybe live with it for awhile as it is.

  2. Perhaps the beads are out of scale with the rest of the piece. Have you thought about more and larger beads?
