Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, February 8, 2013

Printing the Fused Binding

 I had hand dyed blue fabric left over from the collage that I was able to use for the binding.  Above - the binding (note the mitered corner) has been fused in place and I have applied masking tape to protect the quilt.  Because of the pronounced, high contrast swirls of the block printing - I will be using the middle of the printing blocks to do the binding - I try to match it up so it looks like the binding is actually part of the quilt (which it is, I guess).
 Above, the block printing spills over onto the tape (again, note the mitered corner on the binding).  Tape removal reveals the freshly printed binding that blends nicely with the quilt.

Above, you can see how the tape saved the quilt from the paint as I printed the binding.  I carefully selected the part of the printing block I would use in each section.  I was really wanting the swirls to look right.  Below - removing the tape after block printing and screen printing are dry.

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