Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Quilting Adds!

Here it is after quilting and trimming.  I am thinking about the size / shape and wonder if some of the black needs to be removed from the bottom.  As it stands - the black is a bit overpowering. But maybe that's OK - the message is about fossil fuels -vs- alternative energy.  Perhaps it should be very dark and brooding......  thinking about that.


  1. I think it has great use of space and the dark area at the bottom, although strong, is not overwhelming and like you said, has a dark presence, which adds to the message of the quilt. The gold in the black area keeps it from being too much of a solid black mass. Great quilting too!

  2. I think you have good use of space and balance of color. The black area, although large is not a solid, black mass due to the gold texture of the fossil printing. Great quilting too.
