Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, April 1, 2013

Repeating Block Pattern

Here is one of my new printing blocks - it has been printed in a grid pattern.  I used three colors of Setacolor Transparent Fabric Paint to create the variation in color.  Visual interest and movement is created by turning the block to change the direction of the color shift on the printed fabric.


  1. This looks great. Do you use a press? A baren? How do you get them pressed so consistently?

  2. I love it! Great block design, and the color variations make it glow!

  3. Roberta, I lay the cloth over a padded surface and turn the blocks upside down to print. I add some pressure with my hand and that makes a good print. I apply the paint with a sponge brush. You can see a youtube video if you follow the link on the sidebar to get to my DVD.

  4. I think this is my favorite stamp--or maybe its just the way you added the colour combinations..
