Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Moving Plants

 The daffodils are blooming just as we begin tearing out the old retaining walls.  I can't really save them (except to cut the flowers), but I can move the iris and perennials.  I really don't have a place to put them, though - so I will spend a couple of days cutting a new flower bed into the sod on the front of our place.


  1. I hope you have better luck with your transplanting than I did recently! Tried to move some iris and tulips to make way for a garden project, and they all went into shock and died. I'm hoping they will come back next year...

  2. Cynthia
    If you dig up the bulbs and keep them in pot until the foliage has died down.Then put the bulbs in a cool dry place in a net bag they should be fine. Then you can replant in the autumn.
