Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pond and Waterfall Construction

 I spent several days fiddling around with the placement of the pond and waterfall.  When I was finally happy with it - I laid this foam backed bubble wrap all around.  This is to protect the vinyl liner from being punctured by any sharp rocks or roots that are in the ground.  They make a polyester product just for this, but I did not want to spend the money on it.  This bubble wrap is what Joe retrieves from the furniture store trash.  He keeps a large supply on hand for his online sales business.
 After the cushion layer, the liner is put  into place.  I will need two liners - one for the pond and a second one for the waterfall.
 This picture shows several levels of the waterfall and some of the flagstones around the pond in place.  This took several days for me - with help from both Michelle and Joe.  Joe is installing the buried electrical exterior electrical outlet.  Michelle is building a set of stairs and laying the flagstone wall cap (see below)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the water tumbling down the rocks....will we have a pond party??
