Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Quartz Flagstone

 We've made three trips to the brickyard to hand select the flagstone for the next phase of this project.  I like this quartz flagstone.  It is very sturdy and also (relatively) thin.  This is the same flagstone that I used on the patio I built in the front last year.  We are able to load half a ton per trip into the back of Joe's Grand Caravan (his "work truck").
My apologies to those who follow my blog for my art process.  This is not fiber art, but I do feel creative when doing this, and there is no time for my studio these days!   Above the top wall, I have transplanted some of the iris rhizomes that were dug up during the excavation.


  1. I think what you are doing is very creative, and love the results! We can't spend all our time in the studio... life calls us out! I'm playing in my new greenhouse a lot these days, so I can relate... sure wish I could get my iris to grow as well as you do... you have a beautiful collection!

  2. The yard is looking great! You will feel safer when it is all complete and lets pray that it never gets tested by another fire!
