Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Water Plants for my Pond

I ordered some water plants for my pond from an online company.  They arrived in the middle of 5 days of pouring rain.  I just potted them up in the fabric pots I ordered and put the pots in plastic tubs until I can get them properly arranged in the pond.  The rain washed a lot of mud into the pond, and I need to try to get it cleaned up before adding things in.  Starting with a dirty pond is not really the best plan.....

Here is the website I ordered the plants from:

The company is in Oregon and I chose it because shipping would be fast from a state so close.  I also really appreciated that they had plants that would be hardy in zone 4, that would also tolerate part shade.  I have not had any luck growing water lilies in the past.  We will see how these plants do.  If they thrive - I may try a shade tolerant hardy water lily from this same company.  Or - if they thrive -  maybe I won't need to try a water lily!

For potting soil - I used all natural unscented kitty litter, which is just clay soil.  I topped the pots with an inch of pea gravel.


  1. I assume you used the non-clumping type of kitty litter. Mb

  2. The kitty litter sounds like a great idea! And much easier to use than bags of hardened clay that I've had in the past. I'll have to try that next time. Hope they do well for you. I love water lilies and backyard ponds.
