Cynthia St. Charles Store

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Central Montana Wind Turbine Inspiration

 There is a large wind farm near Judith Gap, Montana.  I pass through it every time I drive up to visit my parents.  It never ceases to capture my attention.  When I heard it was going to be built, I thought I would hate seeing it, but actually - the view of all these wind turbines rotating in unison across a large expanse of the landscape is awe inspiring.  I have long wanted to do piece about these wind turbines.

This is a beautiful valley between the Belt and Big Snowy Mountains, with the Crazy Mountains off in the distance.  Do these wind turbines ruin the view?  They certainly change it.


  1. I too am of two minds about the wind farms. Early on when they were not so prevalent, they did not seem to do anything but add interest to the landscapes I found them in. Awesome in their size, mesmerizing in the slow rotation of the blades, I wanted to capture those feelings in fabric.

    But now they are so thickly placed along the routes where I run across them in Washington including on either side of the Columbia River Gorge and along I-90 east of Ellensburg that I am finding them dangerously distracting and not always aesthetically appealing. I like the diplomatic way you put it - they definitely change the view - and I can now understand those who have been against them from the start.

  2. Cynthia
    My personal view is that these turbines are no more or less intrusive than electricity pylons.
    There are some areas in the UK where we have several pylons which appear to be like armies of robots marching across a landscape.
    An interesting topic for a piece of artwork.

  3. Cynthia
    My personal view is that these turbines are no more or less intrusive than electricity pylons.
    There are some areas in the UK where we have several pylons which appear to be like armies of robots marching across a landscape.
    An interesting topic for a piece of artwork.
