Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, July 26, 2013

Eath Stories - Back in the Studio

 I am back in the studio, working on a piece for a SAQA exhibition called "Earth Stories".  The idea of the exhibition is that the pieces will depict some organization or group or event that is bringing benefit to our planet.  We are required to identify an organization, and mine is  This online forum offers pro and con arguments for controversial social, cultural, and economic issues from reputable sources. 
We are being asked to create something to fill a space 72" square and I plan to make a single very large piece.  To do that, I painted many pieces of sunset sky fabrics, fused the backs with Mistyfuse and created a fused collage that is 75" wide.  The piece is eye popping, and had me sort of stymied.  
But there is a deadline, so I created these Thermofax screens from text I lifted off the website regarding the controversy surrounding alternative fuels vs fossil fuels.  This is a very relevant subject for me, since I live in Montana where coal and oil are being pulled out of the ground every day.  There are also a lot of alternative approaches to creating energy.   Water and wind are being used for electricity, as well.  All of these sources of energy have environmental impact.  I am trying to create something that is striking in both the appearance as well as the message.

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