Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Glacier Lake Hike

 Last week, we took our second Beartooth hike of the summer.  We went to Glacier Lake, a steep, but short 2 mile hike.  The picture above shows me pausing near the highest point of the trail.  This trail climbs up and then you hike down to the lake, dropping about 200 feet.  The lake is at 9,800 feet elevation
 We were the only people at the lake for the entire time we were there.  We only saw two others on the trail - a father and son who were backpacking out.  We met them as we were going in.
 Here is a view down the valley from the lake shore.  The small pond below is a place where trout sometimes get trapped and when that happens the fishing there is great!
Snow across the trail near the lake.

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