Cynthia St. Charles Store

Friday, September 27, 2013

Malfunction Situation

My laptop has crashed and because it is still under warranty - will be going off to the Toshiba repair center somewhere distant.  Meanwhile - I do not have access to my photos and am limping along with an old laptop that has a non functioning screen (working with a monitor attached to it now) and freezes up repeatedly.  This old thing is super noisy, too ...... pretty unbearable to use.

I am sorry I am going to have to break from my daily blog posts until I can get my tools back in order.  Thanks everyone for your should only be a couple of weeks, and I'll be back.

Meanwhile, I am doing a lot of DEEP cleaning in my studio.  Uncovering piles in corners and under tables that have not been cleared for years!

1 comment:

  1. good luck with the cleaning and your lap top!

    Fyi-saw your quilt in the latest Quilting Arts magazine.
