Cynthia St. Charles Store

Monday, October 21, 2013

Up Against a Deadline

 I was selected as a participating artist for a SAQA Exhibition called "Earth Stories".  Selected artists are to create two pieces  - one to fill a 72" square display area and another to measure 12 x 14".  The work is to be associated with a story relating to some organization that is working to help or improve our planet.   My theme is Alternative Energy vs Fossil Fuels and my organization is  We were given a year to complete our works.  The year has come and gone and I have done many trial pieces.  I decided to use a collage of vivid handpainted sunset fabrics, overprinted with text from the website.  I spent a lot of time getting the fossil fabric for the base to look right.  I used an overhead projector to trace images of my photos of Wind Turbines onto the fabric.  The wind turbines were then painted by hand.
This 75" + square piece has been hanging on my design wall for months.  I have been fairly paralyzed - finding it overwhelming and intimidating.  Just 3 weeks before the looming deadline - I decided to scrap the whole thing and start again from scratch!  Yikes!

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