Cynthia St. Charles Store

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Family Farm near Petersburg, Illinois

 We stopped by cousin Betty's house for a visit.  They are still living on the old farm.  This barn was here when my great grandfather had the place.  This is where my grandfather spent his teen years.
While we were visiting, they were combining soybeans right across the road (still on my great grandfather's farm).  It was great timing!
 We enjoyed seeing Jack's collection of toy tractors.  He has a whole room devoted to his collection. 
Note the arrowheads displayed on the wall to the right.  Those are all arrowheads he found on the farm while tilling the soil!  Pretty cool!
 I just have to include this picture taken from the front yard.  The combine in the background with the American flag flying high.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to see your family's roots! Mine are long gone, and all I have is a family history compiled by an aunt and great grandpa. But to see where your family lived is really special...
