Cynthia St. Charles Store

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Printed and Quilted Reflection

OK, so here we have it on the design wall - I did not take any photos of it as I printed the trees or worked on the quilting, but I did make all new Thermofax screens of three different trees for this piece.  I felt I needed a larger scale of printed trees than what I had on hand.  These are about 16" tall.  Here it is on the design wall after printing and quilting.  I am deciding how to crop it and have folded the bottom edge up to judge the proportions.  I am still uncertain I about the block printing - especially the water - which I believe is overly green. 


  1. I love it! You can explain the greenish water by saying that this is caused by algae in the water :-)

  2. The trees take away some of the color which in this case is a good thing. They have added so much to the piece. I am starting to really like it.
