Cynthia St. Charles Store

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Present to Myself!

My favorite local potter is Greg Jahn.  He lives right here in Billings and I have been collecting his work for about 10 years.  I started out going to his open studios in December with the idea I was buying Christmas gifts.  However, when it came down to it - I found I really could not part with them once I got them home.  At that point, I became a collector.  I continue to attend his open studio events and I always treat myself to some pottery.  Usually, I purchase some mugs because I drink tea every morning and it means a lot to me to have a wonderful mug to drink from each day.  I now have 28 mugs in my collection and I love using each one of them. 

I also collect his vases and bowls - oh - and teapots!

Merry Christmas to me!  A gift I can enjoy for many years to come.


  1. A gal after my own heart! I have a fave mug I got several years ago from a local potter, and use it every day! At one time I wanted to be a potter, but couldn't take the damage the clay did to my hands, so now I enjoy the work of others. Merry Christmas! Now I think I'll go browse Greg's website...

  2. I think everyone should buy their own presents! That way you get exactly what you want. ;)

    Lovely pottery. I too tried clay back in the day but fibres are much kinder to the hands.

    May the New Year bring you continued happiness and joy!
