Cynthia St. Charles Store

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Stepping Back to Evaluate the Quilting

 Hmmm......I am still on the fence with the horizontal piece of paper lamination.  It doesn't have enough contrast, nor does it blend in very well.  The quilting did not have the impact I hoped for.
Other than my indecision about the paper lamination, I find myself really liking this piece.  I like the movement, the messiness of the screen printed lines, but the overall uniformity.  I like the colors and the metallic screen printing.  I just don't really like the paper lamination as a horizontal element, but what to do?  It is heavily quilted and I am not one to rip out quilting stitches.  I just don't go there.  Ever.


  1. I wonder if changing the direction would help? Or maybe thinking about splitting it into thirds? I really like it, but I can see how the laminated section might not work for you - it is a different feel from the rest of the piece. The rest of the piece is so vivid and bold, while the laminated section seems muted and understated. I don't blame you for not being willing to rip it out!

  2. A very light wash of some fabric paint?
    Sandy in the UK

  3. It is awesome! Could you stamp/print over it? Same or similar motif but darker paint? or maybe in the green? You'll come up with something to make it more amazing.

  4. Cynthia I actually really like this piece. Have you tried hanging it so that the lamination is vertical, or maybe runs across the top of the piece instead of the lower part. What about cutting it into thirds, finishing each piece and then staggering the hanging so that the horizontal line isn't quite so uniform?
    Lynn Rogers

  5. Thanks for all the great suggestions. All worthy of consideration....will get this figured out!

  6. Well, I rather liked the piece until you pointed out what you didn't like. I wouldn't like rip out either. I'm wondering about a light addition of paint on that section. I've come across some blogs where they have painted after stitching with a foam roller. I see a hint of that turquoise color. Elsewhere in the quilt. Would that be a possibility?

  7. The horizontal paper area looks chalky. What if you go back in with a wash of different colors mixed with acrylic medium? Also you may want to change the value on the vertical area on the upper right. Those hard edges contrast too much with the rest of the piece. Otherwise I think that is quite successful.

  8. I wonder what would happen if you lightened all of one strip of the dark--either the top or the bottom. It all seems to read the same intensity and perhaps that is what is catching your eye.
    Sylvia in Beaumont TX
